
Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Green Smoothie Health Challenge

Monday June 1, 2015 marks the first day of my 30 day Green Smoothie Challenge. 

Inspired by the Simple Green Smoothies gals: and their 30 day green smoothie challenge that they hold a couple times a year I've decided to do my own. They have a challenge coming up in July but I didn't want to wait that long so I'm going to start my own for June. 

Here's the challenge: 1 green smoothie a day for 30 days. This smoothie will be a meal replacement for any meal of the day, I personally love to have them for breakfast, or as a snack. I'll be scouring the web for recipes of green smoothies that don't taste like grass and I'll share them with you as you follow along on this journey. 

Starting with my day 1 smoothie which is based on the Beginner's Luck smoothie from the simple green smoothies website. I halved their recipe for an individual serving and I added some extra nutrition and protein. 

I used my magic bullet and this how I made it: 1 cup greens; I used mixed kale plus 1 cup almond milk, which was pulsed until smooth. Then I added 1/2 cup frozen mango, 1/2 cup frozen pineapple and half a banana with 1 tsp each of flax seeds, ground chia seeds and brown rice based protein powder. I pulsed it all together and then we have deliciousness. 

This challenge is not just about the smoothies, it's a general challenge to myself to start eating clean. My diet will still be mainly fruit and veggie based with lean protein, seeds, nuts, lentils and pulses rich. I'm swearing off sugar except for a piece of quality dark chocolate once a day. I'm also going to minimize my dairy, caffeine and alcohol consumption. 

During this challenge I'll also continue my workout regime of weight lifting 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week. I'm also going to concentrate on increasing my activity level in general by doing lots of active things with my free time. 

Follow along in my challenge here on the blog and on social media: Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

Let me know about your own health & fitness goals, struggles and any challenges who've undertaken. As always here's to your uncommonly wealthy life! :)

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